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Web proxy speed test
Web proxy speed test

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Welcome to the proxy checker website where you can make a fast, reliable and intuitive check of the operation of your proxy.Besides, you can get a proxy free of charge or share your own lists.Why you should use our proxy checker service?� High checking speed of our proxy checker is guaranteed. The checking speed is about 1,000 units in 30 seconds.� Thanks to the unique and up-to-date operation algorithms, our proxy checker will perform a fast check of your proxies and will never miss a working one.� The possibility to check proxies for a whole range of such parameters as the proxy type, anonymity level, connection speed, city, country, and other parameters.� An nice intuitive interface representing the check results with flexible settings to show exactly the info you need in our proxy checker.Automatic data logging and saving are provided during the check, which makes the data accessible to other users of our service.

However, if you wish you can check the �Do not publish my proxies� box so that your lists may not be saved or shown anywhere.Our proxy checker also provides manual timeout settings. A timeout is the period of the expected response from the proxy being checked. If upon the expiry of the set period of time, for instance 10 seconds, you get no response from a proxy, the system will consider it inactive. Proxies archive� Proxies at 17.09.2016 (1 proxies)� Proxies at 16.09.2016 (4296 proxies)� Proxies at 15.09.2016 (4988 proxies)� Proxies at 14.09.2016 (5029 proxies)� Proxies at 13.09.2016 (5330 proxies)� Proxies at 12.09.2016 (5520 proxies)� Proxies at 11.09.2016 (5223 proxies)Complete proxies archive Proxy types:Transparent proxies: your real IP address is used in the query and is easily determined.

It may seem that this type of proxy is useless as it gives no privacy guarantee, but you should not jump to that sort of conclusion. This proxy type serves for a particular purpose: it allows passing by local firewalls which may block your access to the website or even give you some extra speed.

The advantage of this type of proxies is their speed which is much higher than with anonymous or elite proxies.Anonymous proxies help you hide your real IP address.

It means you conceal your presence online and your actual location. No one will be able to establish a hidden connection with your PC. This proxy type is suitable for the majority of tasks, but its main disadvantages are low average speed and the fact that some websites may detect your using a proxy.Elite proxies are the most private ones.

They can provide all the advantages of anonymous proxies, but it also helps you conceal the fact you are using a proxy. This proxy type guarantees total privacy, but as such proxies are highly popular, they are normally not that fast due to their frequent reloads. Speed testYou can check your Internet connection speed with the help of your service Speed test.

We think it is the most convenient speed test because it works without Flash or any other third-party plugins. Learn who you are, a turtle or leopard? Choose a city on the map and get information about your Internet speed.Disable AdBlock/uOrigin for this page to get correct speed test results More about proxy checker:The main feature of our proxy-checker is a high quality intuitive result, as well as the possibility to feed the checker with any proxy format, including link to the page of web proxy speed test sitethat contains proxy.

The script detects them, checks the set of parameters and gives their result in a convenient format. .More details about the features of Proxy Checker:� Despite the fact that the proxy-checker standard format is IP:Port, you can experiment with other formats. The script contains smart algorithms to filter the list of proxies from the debris. As a separator there work a colon, tab, space, or some combination thereof.

It lets you copy the proxy lists from any other site.� After checking the proxy, the filtered result can be downloaded in the IP:Port text format, or with all the columns and data in .csv format, so you can sort the results with Excel in the desired form.� proxy checking speed depends on the size of your list and your user status (free or premium).The typical time for a single server check is 30 seconds, and the time check for the list of 500 servers is up to 3 minutes.

The high speed of our proxy checker is reached by multi-threading: the check is performed in 64 threads (for premium users) and in 20 threads for free use� If you are not a premium user, for once you can insert only 100 proxies. Web proxy speed test, we recommend you either to become premium user (from $0.03 per day), or to make a 100 proxies list for one check.

Our checker shows the number of lines so that you won't go wrong.� Detailed report" table allows you to visually see the process of checking and its results immediately after the data output� Pay your attention to the ticks to the right of the proxy checker. When checking a large list, there is no need to print the details about each non-working proxy. Removing this option will improve the readability of the results.Your wishes on the proxy-checker can be sent via a feedback.

For good ideas you'll get premium codes! How It Works | SpeedOf.Me, HTML5 Speed Test How It WorksSpeedOf.Me tests your internet connection by directly downloading/uploading sample files from your browser. It reflects your actual browsing and download experience.Download TestIt begins with downloading the smallest sample size (128 KB). While it shows the real-time bandwidth graph, it also watches the download duration. If it takes less than eight seconds, next sample would be tried otherwise it continues with upload test.

Among all downloaded samples only the last one which took more than eight seconds will be accepted and your download speed is actually based on the last sample file.Upload TestWhen the download test is completed, similar incremental mechanism will be used to send back data to SpeedOf.Me test server. The upload test starts with a smaller sample file and will gradually increase until it takes more than 8 seconds to upload a sample file.Note:If you are behind a proxy server or firewall, you may experience problems with upload test.

It may not work well or it may give you inaccurate results. In these cases you should use another browser as different browsers react differently regarding this issue.

Smart Test MethodIn order to guarantee that your Internet connection is tested thoroughly, SpeedOf.Me tests your bandwidth in several passes. Sample file sizes increase gradually until it takes longer than eight seconds to download the sample file.

As a result, SpeedOf.Me unlike other speed tests, is able to measure connection speeds in a wide range. From a slow 10 Kbps Mobile GPRS to a very fast 100 Mbps cable user (or even higher) automatically.Sample files are in these sizes:128 KB, 256 KB, 512 KB, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 and 128 MB.Test ServersSpeedOf.Me hosts its sample files on CDN. It benefits from 59 (and counting) super servers called PoP.

Each PoP may utilize several servers. They are located in various places around the world near primary Internet exchange points. These super servers have a massive computing and caching power and are directly connected to all the major backbone networks.When the test is started, the quickest and most reliable server, not necessarily the nearest, would be chosen.

There are many factors involved in selecting the best test server for you. However, it is done automatically using CDN technology to ensure the best testing quality. Here are SpeedOf.Me PoP locations:� North America:Ashburn(2), Atlanta(2), Chicago(2), Dallas(2), Los Angeles(5), Miami(2), New York(2), San Jose(2), Seattle(2), Newark, Boston and Philadelphia� Europe:Amsterdam(2), Frankfurt(3), London(2), Madrid(2), Paris(2), Vienna, Copenhagen, Stockholm(2), Helsinki, Milan and Warsaw� Asia:Hong Kong, Singapore, Bangalore, Chennai, Mumbai, Noida, Batam, Osaka, Tokyo(2), Jakarta, Kaohsiung and Seoul� Australia:Sydney, Melbourne� South America:Sao PauloAccuracyUnlike other speed tests that require third party applications (plugins), SpeedOf.Me tests your Internet speed directly from your web browser not through Flash or Java Plug-ins with lots of overhead.SpeedOf.Me also downloads large contiguous sample files.

This is what you usually do when downloading a webpage or media. This is while other speed test services download small chunks in parallel and do heavy adjustments to calculate your approximate speed.SpeedOf.Me utilizes several test servers (PoPs) in various locations which makes the test result more realistic.

Other speed test services have a different approach about test server location. Some choose the nearest physical test server, probably inside your ISP. It seems illogical because the speed between you and the selected server is always higher than your real speed [for connecting] to the rest of the Internet.On the other hand, some speed test services use a single test server to test users' connection speed in all geographical locations.

For example, imagine a user is in Asia or Australia while the test server is in the US. The result would be inaccurate again because the end user is very far away from the testing server.All of these make SpeedOf.Me the most accurate and realistic speed test among others.Which browser is better?Generally speaking, the more HTML5 features the browser supports the more precise the test result would be.Our recommended browsers are latest version of Chrome, Firefox or Safari.If you are using Internet Explorer, please be advised that the upload progress may not be shown in some older versions of IE.

So, please be patient while the upload test is in progress. Here at ThousandEyes, we�re big on solving problems. We aim to give people the data and tools they need to quickly identify performance problems with their websites or network assets. One test we offer our customers is an �HTTP Server� test � we request a URL provided by the client and time each step of the process using cURL. In the �normal� case, when a client is talking directly to a webserver, measuring these values is fairly straightforward.

Unfortunately, some clients sit behind proxies and cannot talk directly with the webservers they wish to monitor. While our agents can be configured to work with proxies, measuring performance with HTTP proxies becomes a bit trickier. The goal of this blog post is to explain the differences between direct and proxied communication and how proxies affect timing measurements.

The Anatomy of an HTTP RequestThere are five distinct phases that we track when fetching a URL: performing a DNS resolution (DNS time), establishing a TCP connection (connect time), performing an SSL handshake (SSL time), sending the request and waiting for the first bytes of the response (wait time), and receiving the full response (receive time). When one of our agents makes a request directly to a webserver, measuring these values is fairly straightforward. Figure 1 shows a timing diagram of a sample request for Figure 1: Basic HTTP(S) Request BreakdownDNS time is computed as the time to resolve to an IP address.

Connect time is the time it takes to establish a TCP connection to the IP address returned from the DNS resolution. If the URL is served over HTTPS, then the SSL handshake takes place next. Wait time is computed as the time between when the HTTP request is sent and the first byte of the response is received. Finally, receive time is simply the time between when the first and last bytes are received. Enter: The ProxyWhen a normal HTTP (not HTTPS) request is made through an HTTP proxy, almost all of these steps are affected.

Figure 2 shows the communication pattern of a client making a proxied request for Now the DNS time is the time to resolve the proxy�s hostname, rather than

Similarly, the connection time is the time to connect to the proxy server. The next step is for the client to send the HTTP request to the proxy. At this point, the proxy has to resolve to an IP address, open a connection to this IP address, and forward the client�s HTTP request to the webserver. The proxy then forwards the data back to the client as it receives it. Figure 2: Proxied HTTP Request BreakdownFrom the client�s perspective, the original DNS time and connect time have now been web proxy speed test up in the wait time � it is no longer possible to measure these values independently.

Traditionally, an increase in wait time would indicate that a webserver did not have the resources to serve requests quickly enough. Unfortunately, with a proxy it is impossible to distinguish this type of problem from a slow DNS provider or lossy network leading to increased connection times. Proxying HTTPS RequestsWhen a client makes an HTTPS request through a proxy, the picture is even more complicated.

Figure 3 shows the communication pattern of a proxied request for DNS and connect times are measured the same way as a proxied HTTP request, but handling the SSL handshake requires special processing. In order to do this, the client first sends a �CONNECT� message to the proxy, indicating to which site it should open a connection. The proxy then does a DNS resolution of and opens a TCP connection to the resulting IP address.

At this point, it sends a message back to the client indicating that a connection has been established. The client now begins the SSL handshake, which is tunneled through the proxy�s open connection to the webserver.

The SSL time is measured as the time from when the �CONNECT� message is sent until the SSL handshake is completed.

Finally, the client sends its encrypted request over the tunneled connection and the wait and receive times are measured as they are without a proxy. To see all of the gory details of HTTP tunneling, check out RFC 2817. Figure 3: Proxied HTTPS Request BreakdownWith a proxied HTTP connection, we saw DNS and connect times disappear into the wait time.

However, when making an HTTPS request, these values now become part of the SSL time. In addition, the SSL time will also be inflated due to the additional �CONNECT� and �Connection established� messages sent between the client and the proxy. Real-world ExamplesTo show how the values of the five steps can change with real websites, we performed some measurements of a cURL client against and with and without a proxy.

Below are our results. Figure 5: With a proxied HTTPS connection, SSL time is greatly increased.In both cases, the effects of using a proxy are clearly visible. We see very small DNS and connect� Home Welcome� Forums Community� Download Test Test download speed� Upload Test Test upload speed� Auto Test Repeat Testing� Database Research Speed� My Detected Info� Country: UA� City: Kharkov, UA� State/Region : 07� ISP: Maxnet Telecom� IP:� Database Lookup� Recent Results� World Results� Provider Rank� Member Rank� Group Test� Extras Miscellaneous� Speed Test Servers� Mercury Speed Test� Speed Test Legitimacy� Understand the Results� IP Address Tools� Combined Speed Test� Combined Express Test� Results My Results Do you want to research connection speed for Anonymous Proxy ( A1)?'s Download Speed Test and Upload Speed Test log connection information to allow users to research real world Internet speed test results.'s speed test database stores information on millions of connections.

This tool can average connection speed for any Internet provider, country or city in the world.So you can easily average speed test results, compare maximum speeds, research logged results and find the fastest ISPs for Anonymous Proxy (A1). Rosendaal22.6 Mbps : 7 Mbps 16 Results Frankfurt4.3 Mbps : 1.5 Mbps 22 Results Sander4.2 Mbps : 2.2 Mbps 11 Results Strasbourg4.1 Mbps : 1.4 Mbps 76 Results Amsterdam3.9 Mbps : 2.4 Mbps 797 Results Tokyo3.3 Mbps : 716 Kbps 37 Results London3.3 Mbps : 1.6 Mbps 91 Results Paris3 Mbps : 655 Kbps 59 Results Schiedam3 Mbps : 844 Kbps 15 Results Monitor the performance of your connection by comparing your results against your average, your Internet providers average, your country average, your city average and the World Average (Index) has logged hundreds of millions of speed test results.

Searching from the master databases often takes too long so to speed things up queries are truncated on countries, cities and providers with too many entries.

All test results are maintained in the database but only the most recent results are taken into consideration.Don't be fooled.

Other speed tests, especially tests offered by your Internet provider try to eliminate routing factors. This can make your connection appear faster than it really is. Truthfully, do you want to know how fast your connection is within your providers network or do you want to know how fast it is to the locations where the websites you visit are being hosted? is not a best case scenario connection test and will test your Internet under real world conditions.

[ read more] � Quick Navigation� Download Speed Test� Upload Speed Test� Multithread Speed Test� Speed Test Results Database� Speed Test Legitimacy� Contact TMN� Popular Forums� General Discussion� Show off your speed� HELP!� Off Topic Discussion� Make it Faster.� North American Providers (Including Canada)� New Members� Got any ideas to make better?� Ask & FAQ� Why Test My Internet?Simple, to make sure you're getting what you pay for.

This speed test is useful if you feel a connection slow down or want to see how your Internet is performing. This isn't like any other broadband speed test. TestMy's proprietary method is proven to help identify issues other speed tests fail to detect. The TMN Speed Test shows your true speed. How to use the proxy?All the browsers (chrome, firefox, ie, opera, safari and others) support the proxy option.

When you set a proxy in browser, the proxy will fetch the web pages for your browser. The webistes regard the IP of proxy as your IP so it cannot trace your real IP. We recommend using Elite Proxy Switcher to set proxy for your browsers. How to check the proxy speed?You can use our free software Elite Proxy Switcher to test the proxy speed.

We don't check the speed of the proxies. It's because one proxy may have different speed for different users. For example, a proxy which is fast for USA users may be slow for European users. So check it by the software.

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