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Request Rejected This page is unavailable due to either geographic restrictions or other restrictions in place at this time. NOTE: other restrictions can be a result of our security platform detecting potential malicious activity.

Please try again later as the restrictions may be lifted, or contact your service provider if the issue persists.ID: 3140008801410366722 � Related >� Spanish newspapers �� Mexican magazinesSpanish magazines | Revistas espanolas� VanidadesOne of the most widely circulated women's magazines in Spanish language.

The magazine published in many countries including Chile, Dominican Republic, United States, and Mexico.� Latina MagazineSpanish American women's magazine, published by Latina Media Ventures, LLC.

The magazine featuring fashion, beauty, entertainment, latest news in Latin music, lifestyles, travel, Latin community, celebrity, spanish women magazines, Latin dishes, and more.� Siempre MujerHispanic women's magazine published by Meredith Corporation. Siempre Mujer is a publication for women of Hispanic living in the United States. The magazine featuring all types of issues, women's health, family finances, latest on fashion, relationships, and self-improvement.� AlmaSpanish-language lifestyle magazine published for the Hispanic community.

The magazine featuring America focus, money and education, business, travel, health, and more.� ?Hola!Weekly Spanish-language magazine based in Spain, ?Hola! also published in Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Greece, Russia, Peru, United Kingdom, and Mexico.� People en EspanolSpanish-language edition of People magazine, published since 1996.

People en Espanol magazine published by Time Inc. The magazine covering beauty, entertainment, music, film, fashion, and more.� TVyNovelas magazineHispanic magazine based in Mexico and published by Editorial Televisa. International editions of the magazine is also published in USA, Argentina, Chile, and Colombia. TVyNovelas magazine gives awards to the best telenovelas and TV shows of the year.� Hispanic Network Magazine (HNM)Hispanic Network Magazine contains articles about Latino lifestyle, business, education, and career.� Cosmopolitan en EspanolLeading Spanish-language magazine covering fashion, beauty, relationships, Latino culture, health, self-improvement, celebrities, makeup, wellness, fitness, and more.� Urban Latino MagazineLifestyle and cultural publication for bicultural Latinos, and Urban Latino.

The magazine published 8 times per year.� Americas - Spanish EditionEducational and intellectual magazine also include in-depth articles about cultural topics related to the Americas (Central, North and Latin America).� Literal Magazine� LATINA Style� ArtNexusSee alsoSouth American Magazines Magazines by Subject� African American� Arts� Business� Cars� Computers� Cooking� Education� Entertainment� Fashion� Health� History� Home� Kids� Literature� Men's� Music� News� Photography� Science� Spanish� Sports� Teen� Travel� Women's World newspapers | Magazines | Suggest a resource or report an errorInformation deemed reliable, but not guaranteed.

By using this site, you agree to the terms of use.Copyright � 2009-2016 For those in the Latin American community who collect and admire art, ArtNexus (Spanish Edition) is the perfect magazine. It offers news and trends on the latest artists and collectors making waves in the art community. For those in the Latin American community who collect and admire art, ArtNexus (Spanish Edition) is the perfect magazine. It offers news and trends on the latest artists and collectors making waves in the art community. Magazine Categories� $5 off Titles� Animals & Pets� Arts & Crafts� Auto & Cycles� Business & Finance� Children� Computers & Internet� Digital Magazines� Entertainment� Fashion & Beauty� Food & Cooking� Games & Hobbies� Health & Fitness� Spanish women magazines & Garden� Lifestyle� Men's Interest� News & Politics� Family & Parenting� Religion� Science & Nature� Spanish� Sports & Recreation� Teens� Travel & Regional� Women's Interest Shop for Spanish MagazinesMagazines in Spanish, covering a wide variety of topics, are even more popular today than they have been in the past.

Magazines like TV y Novelas focus on Spanish language television shows and the popular telenovela format, providing not just listings but behind-the-scenes information and exclusive interviews with cast members.Some of our entertainment magazines publish issues specifically for Spanish readers. Spanish magazines such as People en Espanol provide the same in-depth coverage of fashion, beauty, and popular culture as their English language counterparts.Many of our Hispanic magazines are celebrative of Hispanic culture.

Siempre Mujer, for example, is published for Spanish-speaking Hispanic women living in the United States who consider their heritage to be an important part of their lives.

If this sounds like a woman you know, consider giving a subscription as a gift. If you purchased a magazine on Magazine Discount Center and would like to take advantage of our award winning 90-day,money-back guarantee, you can do so by simply reaching out to our customer care team.Your happiness is our priority. Picking up a magazine for Spanish study may never have crossed your mind.Unless you live in a Spanish-speaking country, they�re not in plain sight.Even if they were�who are you, the Queen of England?I mean, who has extra cash enough to shell out for luxuries like magazines?Most of us are too busy trying to pay student loans and buy toilet paper.Turns out, it�s pretty easy to track down high-quality Spanish language magazines for free.And even better, these magazines provide great Spanish reading material�to improve your vocabulary, learn new grammatical structures and immerse yourself in culture�at the same time.Talk about learning Spanish efficiently! Download: This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you can take anywhere.

Click here to get a copy. (Download)How to Discover Great Spanish MagazinesThere are a bunch of�ways to get ahold of magazines for your Spanish learning enjoyment, three of which we�ll discuss here: (1) buy print editions, (2) use an app, (3) internet it.As for #3, is it technically a magazine if it�s just on the internet?

Well, this is what those of you from the �00s might remember being called an �e-zine.� Now we�ve just learned to accept that magazines come in all shapes and sizes.Each type of magazine comes with its own unique benefits. For example, anything online tends to be more interactive, dynamic and socially-connected.

Print magazines are more easily marked up and used for at-home learning activities.Here�s how you can find each magazine type, along with the best Spanish language magazines that fall under each: 1. Buy Print EditionsThese can be found at�Hispanic grocery stores (occasionally at larger grocery store chains as well), large magazine vendors in commercial centers, Barnes & Noble, Amazon�and�on individual websites for each magazine.

2. Use AppsUse apps like Scribd, Issuu, Zinio, Kindle, Nook, Google Play Newsstand�and iTunes Newsstand. 3. Internet ItIf you want to explore Spanish language magazines more broadly, check out web pages that feature lists, collections and reviews of Spanish language magazines online.

A Google search will always take you deeper, but here are a few great sites to get you started: Pimsleur magazine recommendations,�and w3newspapers.You can also go totally old-school and check your local library for more magazine offerings. They might be low on Spanish language content, probably depending on where you live, but be sure to check out the Scholastic�section which is usually never found lacking. Benefits of Spanish Magazines for LearnersSo now you know how to find magazines, but you might still be wondering what makes them so special as language learning tools.

I mean, why grab a magazine as opposed to an e-book, newspaper or audiobook?� Diverse content and format.�There�s a magazine out there for any specific topic that interests you, and there are magazines geared towards all ages and Spanish skill levels. Newspapers typically aim for a more general appeal, objective coverage and tend to focus on current events (be they international, domestic, political or special interest). Magazines can dive right into a certain topic and give their opinions unabashedly!

This is great for spanish women magazines of us who love straight talk.� The gang�s all here. Most major magazines are translated or have Spanish language editions targeted to certain regions. For example, you�ll find People en Espanol, Cosmopolitan, GQ and more.

We�ll actually look at a few of these in our list of top magazines. For many translated magazines, you can even choose magazine versions targeted to specific countries�at the very least there�s usually a Mexican Spanish option used through Latin America and a Castilian Spanish one for Europe.� Made for modern readers.

That means the language and content is modern, and the format appeals to our mile-a-minute lifestyles. Stories are either bite-sized or accompanied by pictures to break down and illustrate the text. That means you can easily read a story quickly while traveling or on-the-go.� Striking imagery provides context for language.�Magazines are all about visual appeal.

They won�t just lure you in with big, catchy headers�they�ll keep your eyes glued to the page with brilliant, full-color imagery. The images will illustrate key points in the text. Other images, such as in sidebars, advertisements and photo essays, all come accompanied by descriptive captions.

All of this makes for an extremely well-supported Spanish learning experience.How to Learn Spanish with MagazinesTo get started learning with magazines, here are a few quick tips for study time. It�s all pretty self-explanatory, so zoom through this and get to the list already!

Don�t you want to start reading?� Just read.�Get your brain more familiar with Spanish by keeping magazines handy, either on your phone, your kitchen table or your bathroom counter, to glance at whenever you have a spare minute.

You can also enjoy unwinding with them c� This page was last modified on 8 September 2016, at 09:26.� Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License ;additional terms may apply. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

Wikipedia� is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., a non-profit organization.� Privacy policy� About Wikipedia� Disclaimers� Contact Wikipedia� Developers� Cookie statement� Mobile view�� spanish magazines. The International Magazine Specialist!Magazines, Newspapers & JournalsNo shipping costsAll taxes includedFast delivery.

Worldwide!100% delivery guaranteedOver 250,000 titles availableHome |FAQ |Back issues |Conditions |About us |for Agencies |Contact |Shopping Cart |Checkout | See all MagazinesCategoriesAll Magazines A-ZNew UK magazinesWomen'sCraftsBusiness & EconomySports magazinesMen'sHome & GardenCarsChildren & parentsComputers & InternetEntertainment & TVHobby magazinesHealth magazinesArts & humanitiesScience & NatureLocal & RegionalSociety & culturenewestNew magazinesTop 201 Time Magazine2 O, The Oprah magazine3 Wired4 Scientific American5 Sports Illustrated6 Fine Woodworking7 Vogue USA8 Patrones9 Slam10 Martha Stewart Living11 Rolling Stone12 Harvard Business Review13 Vanity Fair USA14 Jamie15 National Geographic Int edition16 BBC Gardeners' World17 Bloomberg BusinessWeek18 L'Uomo Vogue19 Computer Arts20 Sound on soundOur guarantee orderUSAwrite reviewVogue en EspanolOne year (12 issues) for �259.95 (USD 265.14)Vogue en Espanol is the Spanish version of the highest authority on fashion in the world.

(continue)� Related: Vogue MagazinesClick here if you want to orderClick here to give as a present.Download free gift couponRate this magazine orderUSA10.01 reviewTV Y NovelasOne year (12 issues) for �77.50 (USD 79.04)TV y Novelas Magazine features all the romance and brilliance of the world of Hispanic soap operas.

TV y Novelas includes stories of the artists, their lives and secrets captured through the relentless eyes of the paparazzi.TV Y Novelas. (continue)� Related: Entertainment & TV,Soap operaClick here if you want to orderClick here to give as a present.Download free gift couponRate this magazine orderback issuesavailableUSA9.01 reviewVanidadesOne year (11 issues) for �74.95 (USD 76.44)Vanidades Magazine is the most popular Spanish-language women's magazine in the world.

Vanidades is published to serve the particular interests of the contemporary Latin woman, with features on beauty, fashion and home decor. Regular features include. (continue)� Related: Fashion & beauty,Women'sClick here if you want to orderClick here to give as a present.Download free gift couponRate this magazine orderUSAwrite reviewQuinceaneraOne year (2 issues) for �27.50 (USD 28.04)Quinceanera Magazine celebrates the Hispanic tradition of a young lady's 15 birthday.

Quinceanera covers the latest trends in fashion, music, and party planning related to the celebration, as well as articles on social trends and family written to inspire and positively. (continue)Click here if you want to orderClick here to give as a present.Download free gift couponRate this magazine orderSpain7.52 reviewsHolaOne year (52 issues) for �269.95 (USD 275.34)Covers beauty, fashion, lifestyle and VIP news. Trail issue available.

(continue)� Related: Entertainment & TVClick here if you want to orderClick here to give as a present.Download free gift couponRate this magazine orderUSA9.02 reviewsPeople En EspanolOne year (11 issues) for �59.95 (USD 61.14)People en Espanol-publicada diez veces al ano, es la revista mas fascinante y al dia para los hispanos de los Estados Unidos, y se publica mensualmente.

(continue)� Related: Women'sClick here if you want to orderClick here to give as a present.Download free gift couponRate this magazine orderUSAwrite reviewSiempre MujerOne year (6 issues) for �49.95 (USD 50.94)Siempre Mujer Magazine is a Spanish-language publication for the Hispanic woman living in the U.S.

who keeps her traditions alive and embraces new American values. Siempre Mujer reflects her lifestyle, aspirations and dreams, while providing a roadmap for better. (continue)� Related: Fashion & beauty,Women'sClick here if you want to orderClick here to give as a present.Download free gift couponRate this magazine orderUSAwrite reviewFamaOne year (6 issues) for �47.50 (USD 48.44)Fama Magazine is a pictorial news guide to who and what is hot in the movies, television, music, fashion spanish women magazines more!

Fama is edited in Spanish for a Latin audience, with emphasis on celebrities as well as the lives of the rich and famous.

Every issue. (continue)� Related: Glamour, Gossip & CelebrityClick here if you want to orderClick here to give as a present.Download free gift couponRate this magazine orderUSAwrite reviewHispanic Network MagazineOne year (4 issues) for �47.50 (USD 48.44)Each issue of Hispanic Network Magazine includes education and employment opportunites and more.

(continue)Click here if you want to orderClick here to give as a present.Download free gift couponRate this magazine orderUSAwrite reviewTextiles PanamericanosOne year (6 issues) for �172.50 (USD 175.94)Textiles Panamericanos Magazine is published in Spanish for the Latin American textile/apparel industry. In every issue of Textiles Panamericanos the latest information on technology, manufacturing processes and modern managemMore.Put your Spanish speaking customers at ease with magazines en Espanol in your waiting room, lobby and reception areas.

Save up to 88% on Latina Magazine and Spanish editions of People, Cosmopolitan, TV Guide, and other Spanish magazines. Order your waiting room magazines from EBSCO at the lowest publisher authorized prices. Alma Magazine is a Spanish language monthly targeting upscale Hispanic adults.

A sophisticated lifestyle magazine that includes art, culture, politics, fashion, travel, music, sports and interviews providing relevant and intelligent information for upscale Hispanic readers. El Restaurante Mexicano is the only bilingual magazine in the U.S.

that includes articles on the Mexican, Tex-Mex, Southwestern and Latino restaurants and culture. nationwide. The magazine features Latin food service trends and Hispanic Recipes.

Call us today regarding the best rate for restaurant professionals. A glossy men s magazine with regular features on fashion, style, health, & the latest trends. Every issue includes interviews with major celebrities, film, music, book reviews, details on professional sports, & other subjects of interest to men of fine taste. The edition is printed in Spanish. For today's bilingual Hispanic woman; it's edited with a special understanding of her lifestyle and values.

The monthly magazine features the latest information on fashion, beauty, health, fitness, and career opportunities, as well as profiles of today's newsmakers and celebrities. Latina Style magazine broke new ground in 1994 by being 100% Latin owned and the first national magazine dedicated to the contemporary Latina working woman in the US.

The magazine focuses on the needs of Latina professionals, college students, business owners and Hispanic influentials. Upscale Hispanic magazine featuring topics of interest such as travel, fashion, beauty, health care, interior design, restaurant reviews, book reviews, cigars and theater. Includes interviews with world leaders in fields ranging from business to politics to entertainment. La revista Siempre Mujer es de habla espanola a las mujeres sobre estilo de vida, moda y belleza para la mujer latina.

Siempre Mujer es su primera fuente de informacion sobre la familia, el hogar y el desarrollo personal, manteniendo las tradiciones latinas y la adaptacion a la vida estadounidense. The most-read women's magazine in the US Hispanic Market, Vanidades spanish women magazines the myriad interests of today's woman. Beauty and fashion are at the forefront, featuring the most recent developments in cosmetology and the latest offerings from the most renowned fashion designers.

"Enterate" ("Find Out"), one of the magazine's most popular sections, highlights new beauty products. Vanidades has correspondents all around the globe, including the fashion centers of Paris, Milan and New York.

In-depth articles and photos of international and local personalities are staples of the publication. The decoration and cooking sections, both with striking photography, are two other key editorial elements. Vanidades offers a diverse mix of regular special-interest sections. A reader's favorite is "Han Triunfado" ("They Have Succeeded"), bringing to life the stories of successful Latin women.

Vanidades is celebrating its 42nd year of continuous publication. � September 17, 2016 | Hispanic Association of Colleges & Universities to recognize 10 honorees at its 30th Annual Conference, Oct.

8-10.� September 16, 2016 | Lawmakers Push For A National Museum For American Latinos� September 16, 2016 | Latina Comedienne Melissa Villasenor Joins SNL Cast MENU� Magazines� About HISPANIC Network Magazine� Digital Magazine� About DiversityComm� About Publisher� Sister Publications� Awards & Press Releases� Diversity� Importance of Diversity� Diversity & Inclusion� Hispanic/Latino� USHCC Foundation Announces DeVere Kutscher to Assume New Leadership Role� Latinas� Native American� Disability� LGBT News� Veterans� Millennials� Careers� Diversity� Industry News� Job Postings� Employer Directory� Education� HACU�s� Diversity on Campus� Higher Education� MBA�s� Education Directory� Supplier Diversity� Importance of Supplier Diversity� How to Get Certified� Benefits of Being Certified� Supplier Diversity Directory� MBE Spotlight� MWBE Spotlight� DCI Supplier Diversity Portal� Best of the Best� Methodology� Request Survey� Survey Results� FAQ� Events� Events List by Name� Events Monthly Calendar� Event Wrap-Ups� Advertise� Request Press Kit� Editorial Submission� Specs Sheet� Publishing Dates & Deadlines� Subscribe� DiversityComm App� Hispanic Network Magazine� Subscribe to all Magazines� Corporate Subscriptions� Non-Profit 7 TIPS for Becoming a Leader at Work, career search Read MoreTrending�25 These Latinos Will Be Honored with National Medals for Art, HumanitiesProminent Latinos who have transformed the artistic and literary world will be recognized by the White House for their cultural contributions.

President Obama will be awarding the National Medal of Art and Humanities to five Latino artists who have impacted society through their body of work. The awards ceremony will take place Thursday, Sept. 22.�September 15, 2016 �Home Featured, Trending �253 United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Announces the #USHCCPitchYourBiz contest! TOP COMPANIES�September 1, 2016 �5805 Participate in the 2016 Best of the Best Part 3 SurveysThe Fall 2016 Best of the Best Surveys Are Available Now Categories for the fall part 3 of the annual review series.Best of the Best Read More�September 1, 2016 �7250 View the 2016 Best of the Best Summer Results ListsFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: HISPANIC NETWORK MAGAZINE ANNOUNCES ITS 2016 SUMMER BEST OF THE BEST RESULTS LISTS Top.Best of the Best Read More�September 1, 2016 �2883 Best of the Best SurveysDon�t miss out on the surveys for 2016!

Submit your request today to be included.Best of the Best Read More� TOP COMPANIES The National Center for American Indian Enterprise Development ( NCAIED) Conference is�tentatively�slated for September of 2016. Please check�the website below as the the details unfold. ASHHRA will be hosting their 52nd Annual Conference at the�Gaylord Texan Resort & Convention Center in Grapvine, TX�from September 24-27, 2016.

For more information please visit the website at:� � Happy #MexicanIndependenceDay! #HispanicHeritage #ElGrito #Mexico #diezyseisyesterday� You�re invited! NYC Launch Party of My Money My Future, personal finance platform days ago , Hot Topics�September 15, 2016 �47 TED Talks Profile Latino Game Changers On an �Education Revolution�Though there�s a lot of work to do to continue increasing test scores and improving graduation rates among Latino.Recent Posts Read More�September 14, 2016 �73 Google�s New Doodle Celebrates Yma Sumac, the �Peruvian Songbird�The famous singer was known to hit more than five octaves A star was born on Sept.

13, 1922: Yma Sumac, whose vocal.Recent Posts Read More�September 14, 2016 �68 �Soy Yo': A Young Latina�s Debut Anthem of EmpowermentIt�s already amassed some 1.5 million views on YouTube in less than a week; thanks to one catchy tune, a message.Recent Posts Read More� Hot Topics

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