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po,ls online political news destination- Personalized alerts and notifications to keep you up cnn politics polls date on the stories and trends defining the raceHave questions or feedback on the CNN Politics app? Email us at with your suggestions on how we can create the best possible experience for you. What's New in Version 2.0Counting down to Election oplls, we are rolling out a bigger, bolder version of the app with more data, more analysis and more exclusive storytelling.Who's Winning: Explore CNN national and state polling.Moments: More analysis of the day's polltics and stories.Latest News: Stay on top of CNN's political coverage in real time.Added navigation to move more easily between the sections and content.Minor bug fixes throughout for a better experience throughout the app. byAddictionABCThe CNN Politics app has helped me get the info I need in polktics concise manner pollss the course of the election but after the recent update I am THRILLED with this app.

The new look and feel is really good the UX team and product owner should be commended for the design change! Trump vnn Average9/5 - 9/17-44.944.0Clinton +0.9LA Times/USC Tracking LA Times9/11 - 9/172507 LV4.54148Trump +7FOX News FOX News9/11 - 9/14867 LV3.04546Trump +1CBS News/NY Times CBS/NYT9/9 - 9/131433 LV3.04644Clinton +2Economist/YouGov Pollw - 9/13926 RV4.04644Clinton +2Quinnipiac Quinnipiac9/8 - 9/13960 LV3.24843Clinton +5Reuters/Ipsos Reuters9/8 - 9/121127 LV3.34039Clinton +1NBC News/SM NBC News9/5 - 9/1116220 RV1.14844Clinton +4All General Election: Trump vs.

Clinton Polling Data Embeddable Widget After making your selection, copy and paste the embed code above.

The code changes based on your selection below.180 x 338300 x 338450 x 338Custom Width Trump (R)SpreadRCP Average9/5 ccnn 9/17-44.944.0Clinton +0.9LA Times/USC Tracking LA Times9/11 - 9/172507 LV4.54148Trump +7LA Times/USC Tracking LA Times9/10 - 9/162565 LV4.54147Trump +6FOX News FOX News9/11 - 9/14867 LV3.04546Trump +1CBS News/NY Times CBS/NYT9/9 - 9/131433 LV3.04644Clinton +2Economist/YouGov Economist9/10 polktics 9/13926 RV4.04644Clinton +2Quinnipiac Quinnipiac9/8 - 9/13960 LV3.24843Clinton +5Reuters/Ipsos Reuters9/8 - 9/121127 LV3.34039Clinton +1NBC News/SM NBC News9/5 - 9/1116220 RV1.14844Clinton +4ABC News/Wash Post ABC/WP9/5 - 9/8642 LV4.55143Clinton +8Economist/YouGov Economist9/4 - 9/6955 RV4.74442Clinton +2Reuters/Ipsos Reuters9/1 - 9/51084 LV3.54038Clinton +2CNN/ORC CNN/ORC9/1 - 9/4786 LV3.54849Trump +1NBC News/SM NBC News8/29 - 9/432226 RV1.04842Clinton +6IBD/TIPP IBD/TIPP8/26 - oolls LV3.44443Clinton +1FOX News FOX News8/28 - 8/301011 RV3.04842Clinton +6PPP (D) PPP (D)8/26 - 8/28881 LV3.34843Clinton +5Economist/YouGov Economist8/27 - 8/291119 RV4.04742Clinton +5Reuters/Ipsos Reuters8/25 - 8/291404 LV3.04039Clinton +1Monmouth Monmouth8/25 - 8/28689 LV3.74942Clinton +7USA Today/Suffolk USA Today8/24 - 8/291000 Ppolitics +7NBC News/SM NBC News8/22 - 8/2824104 RV1.04842Clinton +6LA Times/USC LA Times/USC8/22 - 8/282460 LV4.54444TieReuters/Ipsos Reuters8/20 - 8/241049 LV3.54235Clinton +7Economist/YouGov Economist8/19 - 8/23906 RV4.14744Clinton +3Quinnipiac Quinnipiac8/18 - 8/241498 LV2.55141Clinton +10NBC News/SM NBC Pokls - 8/2117459 RV1.15042Clinton +8Reuters/Ipsos Reuters8/13 - 8/171049 LV3.54136Clinton +5Economist/YouGov Economist8/14 - 8/16911 RV4.24741Clinton +6Gravis Gravis8/15 - 8/151143 RV2.95446Clinton +8NBC News/SM NBC News8/8 - 8/1415179 RV1.25041Clinton +9LA Times/USC LA Times/USC8/6 - 8/122325 LV-4642Clinton +4Reuters/Ipsos Reuters8/6 - 8/10974 LV3.54236Clinton +6Economist/YouGov Economist8/6 - 8/9911 RV4.24841Clinton +7Bloomberg Bloomberg8/5 - 8/8749 LV3.65044Clinton +6ABC News/Wash Post ABC/WP8/1 - 8/4815 RV4.05042Clinton +8LA Times/USC LA Times/USC7/30 - 8/52175 LV-4544Clinton +1IBD/TIPP IBD/TIPP7/29 - 8/4851 RV3.44639Clinton +7McClatchy/Marist McClatchy8/1 - 8/3983 RV3.14833Clinton +15NBC News/Wall St.

Jrnl NBC/WSJ7/31 - 8/3800 RV3.54738Clinton +9NBC News/SM NBC News8/1 - 8/711480 RV1.25141Clinton +10FOX News Politice News7/31 - 8/21022 RV3.04939Clinton +10Reuters/Ipsos Reuters7/30 - 8/31072 LV3.54339Clinton +4Economist/YouGov Economist7/30 - 8/1933 RV4.14643Clinton +3CBS News CBS News7/29 - 7/311131 RV3.04741Clinton +6CNN/ORC CNN/ORC7/29 - 7/31894 RV3.55243Clinton ncn (D) PPP (D)7/29 - 7/301276 LV2.75045Clinton +5NBC News/SM NBC News7/25 - 7/3112742 RV1.25042Clinton +8Reuters/Ipsos Reuters7/25 - 7/291050 LV3.54035Clinton +5Rasmussen Reports Rasmussen7/26 - 7/271000 LV3.04342Clinton +1Economist/YouGov Economist7/23 - 7/241057 Polla +5CNN/ORC CNN/ORC7/22 - 7/24882 RV3.54548Trump +3LA Times/USC LA Times/USC7/20 - 7/262150 LV-4047Trump +7CBS News CBS News7/22 - 7/241118 RV4.04344Trump popitics News/SM NBC News7/18 politifs 7/2412931 RV1.24645Clinton +1Gravis Gravis7/21 - 7/223462 RV1.74951Trump +2Rasmussen Reports Rasmussen7/18 - 7/191000 LV3.04243Trump +1Reuters/Ipsos Reuters7/16 - 7/201232 RV3.24036Clinton +4Economist/YouGov Economist7/15 - 7/17925 RV4.54541Clinton +4NBC News/SM NBC News7/11 - 7/179436 RV1.44645Clinton +1CNN/ORC CNN/ORC7/13 - 7/16872 RV3.54942Clinton +7ABC News/Wash Post ABC/WP7/11 - 7/14816 RV4.04743Clinton +4Rasmussen Reports Rasmussen7/12 - 7/131000 LV3.03744Trump +7NBC News/Wall St.

Jrnl NBC/WSJ7/9 - 7/131000 RV3.14641Clinton +5CBS News/NY Times CBS/NYT7/8 - 7/121358 RV3.04040TieEconomist/YouGov Economist7/9 - 7/11932 RV4.54543Clinton +2McClatchy/Marist McClatchy7/5 pplitics 7/91053 RV3.04239Clinton +3Rasmussen Reports Rasmussen7/5 - 7/51000 LV3.04042Trump +2Reuters/Ipsos Reuters7/2 - 7/61345 RV2.84433Clinton +11LA Times/USC Tracking LA Times9/7 - 9/132550 LV4.54247Trump +5Economist/YouGov Economist7/2 - 7/41004 RV4.04742CliFriday, September 16Race/Topic (Click to Sort)PollResultsSpreadGeneral Election: Trump vs.

ClintonLA Times/USC TrackingClinton 41, Trump 47Trump +6President Obama Job ApprovalQuinnipiacApprove 50, Disapprove 47Approve +3President Obama Job ApprovalGallupApprove 54, Disapprove 43Approve +11President Obama Job ApprovalRasmussen ReportsApprove 49, Disapprove 51Disapprove +2Congressional Job ApprovalGallupApprove 20, Disapprove 76Disapprove +56Thursday, September 15Race/Topic (Click to Sort)PollResultsSpreadGeneral Election: Trump vs.

Clinton vs. Johnson vs. SteinFOX NewsClinton 41, Trump 40, Johnson 8, Stein 3Clinton +1General Election: Trump vs. ClintonFOX NewsClinton 45, Trump 46Trump +1General Election: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. SteinCBS News/NY TimesClinton 42, Popitics 42, Johnson 8, Stein 4TieGeneral Election: Trump vs. ClintonCBS News/NY TimesClinton 46, Trump 44Clinton +2General Election: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. SteinRasmussen ReportsClinton 40, Trump 42, Johnson 7, Stein 2Trump +2General Election: Trump vs.

ClintonLA Times/USC TrackingClinton 41, Trump 47Trump +6Colorado: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. SteinEmersonClinton 38, Trump 42, Johnson 13, Stein 3Trump +4Iowa: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. SteinMonmouthTrump 45, Clinton 37, Johnson 8, Stein 2Trump +8Michigan: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. SteinDetroit Free PressClinton 38, Trump 35, Johnson 10, Stein 4Clinton +3Ohio: Trump vs.

Clinton vs. Johnson vs. SteinSuffolkTrump 42, Clinton 39, Johnson 4, Stein 1Trump +3Missouri: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. SteinEmersonTrump lolls, Clinton 34, Johnson polotics, Stein 6Trump +13Virginia: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. SteinUniv. of Mary WashingtonClinton 40, Trump 37, Johnson 8, Politicd 1Clinton +3North Carolina: Trump vs. Clinton vs. JohnsonCivitas (R)Clinton 42, Trump 42, Johnson 5TieGeorgia: Trump vs. Clinton vs. JohnsonFOX 5 AtlantaTrump 46, Clinton polutics, Johnson 10Trump +4Georgia: Trump vs.

Clinton vs. JohnsonEmersonTrump 45, Clinton 39, Johnson 6Trump +6Texas: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. SteinTexas LyceumTrump 39, Clinton 32, Johnson 9, Stein 3Trump +7Arkansas: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. SteinEmersonTrump 57, Clinton 29, Johnson 5, Stein 3Trump +28Iowa Cnn politics polls - Grassley vs. JudgeMonmouthGrassley 56, Judge 39Grassley +17Ohio Senate - Portman vs.

StricklandSuffolk*Portman 39, Strickland 31Portman +8Georgia Senate: Isakson vs. BarksdaleFOX 5 Atlanta*Isakson 47, Barksdale 34Isakson +13Georgia Senate: Isakson vs. BarksdaleEmersonIsakson 48, Barksdale 32Isakson +16Missouri Senate - Blunt vs. KanderEmersonBlunt 40, Kander 42Kander +2Colorado Senate - Glenn vs. BennetEmersonBennet 46, Glenn 39Bennet +7Arkansas Senate - Boozman vs. EldridgeEmersonBoozman 44, Eldridge 30Boozman +14North Carolina Governor - McCrory vs.

CooperCivitas (R)*Cooper 43, McCrory 45McCrory +2President Obama Job ApprovalFOX NewsApprove 50, Disapprove 48Approve +2Wednesday, September 14Race/Topic (Click to Sort)PollResultsSpreadGeneral Election: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. SteinQuinnipiacClinton 41, Trump 39, Johnson 13, Stein 4Clinton +2General Election: Trump vs.

ClintonQuinnipiacClinton 48, Trump 43Clinton +5General Election: Trump vs. ClintonLA Times/USC TrackingClinton 42, Trump 47Trump +5General Election: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. SteinReuters/IpsosClinton 39, Trump 39, Johnson 8, Stein 2TieGeneral Election: Trump vs. ClintonReuters/IpsosClinton 40, Trump 39Clinton +1General Election: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. SteinEconomist/YouGovClinton 42, Trump 40, Johnson 5, Stein 3Clinton +2General Election: Trump vs.

ClintonEconomist/YouGovClinton 46, Trump 44Clinton +2Florida: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. SteinCNN/ORCTrump 47, Clinton 44, Johnson 6, Stein cnn politics polls +3Florida: Trump vs. ClintonCNN/ORCTrump 50, Clinton 46Trump +4Ohio: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. SteinCNN/ORCTrump 46, Clinton 41, Johnson 8, Stein 2Trump +5Ohio: Trump vs.

ClintonCNN/ORCTrump 50, Clinton 46Trump +4Ohio: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. SteinBloombergTrump 44, Clinton 39, Johnson 10, Stein 3Trump +5Ohio: Trump vs.

ClintonBloombergTrump 48, Clinton 43Trump +5Nevada: Trump vs. Clinton vs. JohnsonMonmouthClinton 42, Trump 44, Johnson 8Trump +2Maine: Trump ncn. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. SteinColby College/SurveyUSAClinton 42, Trump 39, Johnson 9, Stein 5Clinton +3Maine CD2: Trump vs.

Clinton vs. Johnson vs. SteinColby College/SurveyUSATrump 47, Clinton 37, Johnson 8, Stein polps +10Maine CD1: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. SteinColby College/SurveyUSAClinton 49, Trump 31, Johnson 9, Stein 5Clinton +18Massachusetts: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. SteinWBUR/MassINCClinton 54, Trump 28, Johnson 9, Stein 4Clinton +26Kansas: Trump vs.

Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Poliics News/SurveyUSATrump 48, Clinton 36, Johnson 8, Stein 2Trump cnn politics polls Carolina: Trump vs.

Clinton vs. Johnson vs. SteinTrafalgar Group (R)Trump 53, Clinton 38, Johnson 3, Stein 1Trump +15Florida Senate - Rubio vs. MurphyCNN/ORCRubio 54, MurpThis page appears pplitics Google automatically detects requests coming from your computer network which appear to be in violation of the Terms of Service. The block will expire shortly after those requests stop. In the meantime, solving the above CAPTCHA will let you continue to use our services.This traffic may have been sent by malicious software, a browser plug-in, or a script that sends automated requests.

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