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What can I do to prevent this in the future?If you are on a personal connection, like at home, you reviwes run an anti-virus scan on your device to make sure it is not infected with malware.If you are at an office or shared network, you can ask the network administrator to run a scan across the network looking for misconfigured or infected devices. Trending� iPhone 7 deals� iOS 10� OnePlus 3� Galaxy S7� iPhone 7� Apple Watch 2� Best phone� News� Best photo editing software in 2016Best photo editing software in 2016By Rod LawtonCamerasThere's more to image-editing than Sooftware, and we check out some smart and affordable alternatives����� Once upon a time, if you asked anyone which was the best photo editing software, softwarr always say Photoshop.

OK, so Photoshop is still the most powerful program there is at what it does, but what we want to do as photographers has changed.Photoshop is not much good if you need creative inspiration � it can create any effect you ask of it, but you have to know what you want. If you need creative inspiration, there are better places to look.It's not much good at organising your photos, either.

It does come with Adobe Bridge, but that's just a glorified folder/photo browser, not an image cataloguing tool.And while many photography experts understand the value of shooting unprocessed raw files and processing them later on the computer, very few are aware that not all raw converters are the same and that Adobe Camera Raw � as used by Photoshop � is not necessarily the best.So can Photoshop hang on as the best photo-editing software on the adoeb, and which are the rival wdobe you should be looking at too?

Read on to find out.1. Adobe Photography planGet Photoshop and Lightroom for a single and surprisingly affordable subscriptionPlatform: Mac and PC | Image-editing: Yes | Cataloguing: Yes | Raw conversion: YesAdobe caused a storm when it moved over to a subscription system for its software, and it did initially look like a pretty pricey deal.

But the price has dropped, the dust has settled and the world has carried on turning on its axis. Now, if you take out an annual subscription, you can get Photoshop and Lightroom for just ?8.57$9.99 per month.And you do need both programs.

Photoshop is sophisticated but limited. For layers, masks, selections, retouching and complex, multi-step imaging processes, it's impossible to beat, and it manages to present these tools in a remarkably clean, fast and efficient interface. On the downside, it doesn't offer a library of single-click creative effects or any way of organising a large and growing photo collection. Photoshop is like a giant box of spanners � it has all the tools you could possibly want, but it's not going to show you how to fix your car.Read: Photoshop CC reviewThat's why Lightroom is an indispensable part of the Adobe double-act.

Lightroom combines an image cataloguing database with Adobe Camera Raw's 'non-destructive' editing tools in a slicker interface. It means that you can make non-permanent adjustments to an image which you can change later � and your original photos are never modified.

These tools can't do everything � for selections, layers, masks and many more complex effects you'll need Photoshop.

But that's OK, because you get both programs in the Adobe Creative Cloud Photography plan and they complement each other really well.Read: Lightroom CC/Lightroom 6 review2. Serif Affinity Softwarr shrugs off its budget background with a stunningly powerful Photoshop rivalPlatform: Mac | Image-editing: Yes | Cataloguing: No revews Raw conversion: YesMac users who don't need Lightroom's organisational tools and who long for a Photoshop alternative on an old-school licence arrangement need to look at Serif Softwsre Photo.

Best-known as a developer of budget Windows creative applications like PhotoPlus, Serif has softtware out into professional Mac software with its new 'Affinity' range. Affinity Designer, the company's vector drawing/illustration app has already caused a storm and Affinity Photo, its Photoshop rival, looks set to do the same.

A few of the terms and processes are different, but if you can use Photoshop it won't take you long to get used to this. Affinity Photo's advantage (apart from the price) is that it's been built from the ground up for the latest computing hardware.Read: Serif Affinity Photo 1.4 review3.

PhaseOne Capture One Pro 9Capture one is a high-end rival to Sofftware and delivers high-quality resultsPlatform: Mac and PC | Image-editing: Limited | Cataloguing: Yes | Raw conversion: YesCapture One started out as a dedicated software tool for Phase One's professional medium-format cameras, but it's been developed into a very powerful raw conversion and image-editing tool for any camera owner. It's now a strong rival to Adobe Lightroom. Like Lightroom, it can import your images into a centralised, searchable database and then apply non-destructive adjustments and preset effects.

Your original images are never directly modified, and the changes are only made permanent when you export processed JPEG or TIFF versions.

But there's more to this program than the bare specs suggest, because Reeviews One Pro's raw conversions are quite superb, often extracting visibly sharper detail, sortware less noise, than Adobe Camera Raw.

The editing workflow is powerful bTop Reviews� Antivirus Software Review� Background Check Services Review� Credit Card Processing Review� Credit Repair Services Review� Data Recovery Software Review� Debt Consolidation Services Review� DVD Copy Software Review� Ecommerce Software Review� Email Marketing Services Review� Extended Car Warranty Services Review� Headphones Review� Home Design Software Review� Home Security Systems Review� Identity Theft Services Review� Medical Alert Services Review� Mortgage and Refinance Review� Online Fax Service Review� Online Payroll Services Review� Photo Book Review� POS Systems Review� Small Business Phone Systems Review� Online Stock Trading Review� Video Editing Software Review� VoIP Services Review� Web Hosting Review� Who We Are� What We Do� PROS /Adobe InDesign has eBook softwars capabilities, and there are several Photoshop apps that you can download to your iPad for on-the-go photo retouching.CONS /Because there are so many tools available for you to use in Photoshop, InDesign and Illustrator, it may take you some time to fully understand how to use the applications.VERDICT /Adobe Creative Suite 6 Design Standard is the best graphic design software on the market because of its intuitive features that are more advanced than those found in other graphic design software. Editor's Note: This review has been removed from our side-by-side comparison because it no longer ranks in our lineup.

The original review is below, but check out our current top products about Graphic Design Software here. In the ultra-competitive design software industry, Adobe is number one.

Its graphic design software package brings innovation, technology and artistic vision together in one dynamic suite.

Adobe Creative Suite 6 Design Standard comes with six separate applications � Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Acrobat Aeobe, Adobe software reviews and Media Encoder � each of which rviews on a specific design task.

With these applications, you can create virtually anything. Adobe sfotware always been on the cutting edge of graphic design technology, and the company's newest offering raises the bar even higher. Ease of UseAdobe Design Standard is one of the best graphic design suites that the software giant offers. Like other graphic design software, this suite comes with an overwhelming arsenal of features, functions and tools. However, there is a steep learning curve.

If you axobe new to graphic design, it may take you a few weeks or months to master the tools and features this graphic design software offers. This training pays huge dividends, though, giving you the ability to create nearly anything you can imagine in graphic form.Photoshop, InDesign and Illustrator all have intuitive user interfaces. Although these three applications serve different reviewd, their workspaces and creative layouts are basically the same.

You have your toolbar menu to the left, your palettes to the right and the rest of the feature tabs on top. We find this workflow simple, streamlined and smart. The importance of being able to navigate the workflow effectively is difficult to overstate.InDesign is arguably the most powerful desktop publishing software available on the market today. Adobe has done a stellar job of making page layout a simple process with InDesign. This app enables you to design and publish pages with an ease that was simply unthinkable just a few years ago.

In this iteration of InDesign, adobe has added some new content-collector tools that allow you to capture already-created content and repurpose it for the design you are currently working on. This is a huge timesaver that adds even more value to an application that is already quite powerful.

Illustration ToolsWhether you're a designer or photographer, Adobe Photoshop CS6 is the undisputed champion of photo editing and retouching. This application has a clean interface and a no-hassle workspace, which allow you to fiddle, fuss qdobe tweak your photos with ease. Photoshop also offers a deluge of features and tools that elevate CS6 well above the competition. Some of the most powerful tools include:HDR imaging � A softwars is no longer just a photo with HDR imaging.

You can merge layers, remove the "ghosts," and enhance the edge glow, tone, exposure and detail to create images that look like a adobbe photographer took them, even if you're not one.360-degree panorama � Panoramas are ideal for scenery photographs.

You can take a shot-by-shot view of a landscape, and then stitch them together in Photoshop to create one beautiful image. The 360 panorama tool allows you, if you choose, to wrap your image around a sphere to create quite the conversation piece.Filters and effects � With hundreds of filters and effects, from basic filters like Artistic and Blur to advanced painting effects and editing tools such as Puppet Warp, you have the power to totally alter any image. Puppet Warp, for example, allows you to reposition elements in adobe software reviews photos.

Adobe gives the example of an arm or flower stem. Using Adobe is changing the world through digital experiences. Our creative, marketing and document solutions empower everyone � from emerging artists to global brands � to bring digital creations to life and deliver them to the right personat the right moment for the best results. �Adobe Premiere Elements comes with plenty of useful effects and options, yet remains very easy to use with a high degree of automation.

This really is a video editor anyone can use.�� Download Crew, Mike Williams, Sept. 25, 2014 "The world�s best selling consumer video editing program for over a decade .We�ve tried it out and it seems to significantly help reduce the editing time.if you�re running a version an older version of Premiere Elements from a few years ago, it�s definitely worth considering the upgrade." � Software Voucher, Rebecca Evans, Sept.

24, 2014 * This product may integrate with or allow access to certain Adobe or third-party hosted online services (�Online Services�). Online Services are available only to users 13 and older and require agreement to additional terms of use and the Adobe Privacy Policy (see

Online Services are not available in all countries or languages, may require user registration and may be discontinued or modified in whole or in part without notice. Additional fees or subscription charges may apply. �Instant discount applies to the full version of Adobe Photoshop Elements 14 and Adobe Premiere Elements 14 as well as the Adobe Photoshop & Premiere Elements Bundle software. Pricing is available only through the online Adobe Store.

OEM, education and volume licensing customers are not eligible. Offer valid from 19th August, 2016, until 9th September, 2016.

Savings are limited to one discount per customer. This offer and prices are subject to change without notice. Void where prohibited by law. � Deutschland� Eesti� Espana� France� Greece - English� Hrvatska� Ireland� Israel - English� Italia� Latvija� Lietuva� Luxembourg - Deutsch� Luxembourg - English� Luxembourg - Francais� Magyarorszag � Malta - English� Middle East and North Africa - English� Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord - Francais� Nederland� Norge� Osterreich� Polska� Portugal� Romania� Schweiz� Slovenija� Slovensko� Srbija� Revjews Suomi Top Reviews� Antivirus Software Review� Background Check Services Review� Credit Card Processing Review� Credit Repair Services Review� Data Recovery Software Review� Debt Consolidation Services Review� DVD Copy Software Review� Ecommerce Software Review� Email Marketing Services Review� Extended Car Warranty Services Review� Headphones Review� Home Design Software Review� Home Security Systems Review� Identity Theft Services Review� Medical Alert Services Review� Mortgage and Refinance Review� Online Fax Service Review� Online Payroll Services Review� Photo Book Review� POS Revieqs Review� Small Business Phone Systems Review� Online Stock Trading Review� Video Editing Software Review� VoIP Services Review� Web Hosting Review� Who We Are� What We Do� View Full GalleryPROS /The JKL editing adbe allows you to scrub and trim footage at the same time.CONS /You can no longer purchase Premiere Pro outright; you must buy a subscription to Adobe's Creative Cloud.VERDICT /If you're a veteran editor who has used this program in the past, this new version is definitely worth the upgrade.

If you're graduating from the consumer level, there is no better professional editor to start out on. Editor's note: A newer version of Premiere Pro CC is now available. The manufacturer lists the new version as offering the following features: support for High Dynamic Range workflows.

We will evaluate, rank and review the newer version when we next eeviews the Professional Video Editing Software reviews. Meanwhile, enjoy our review below about Premiere Pro CC 2014. Evaluating an application like Adobe Premiere Pro CC is a monumental task.

This professional video editor is the sum total of decades of design, feedback and refinement. Adobe does a stellar job of listening to its users and providing the tools and sooftware that they want. The result is a nonlinear editor that has the power, versatility and depth to earn the Top Ten Reviews Gold Award for professional video editing software. 11.00Note that Adobe has changed how it delivers Premiere Pro.

For about a decade, you could purchase Premiere Pro on its own or bundled with the Adobe Creative Suite (CS). The company decided to retire CS in favor of Creative Cloud (CC), wherein you purchase either a monthly or yearly subscription to use the latest version of the software. You can no longer buy the program outright, and if you cancel your subscription, you lose the ability to use revews basic functionality of professional nonlinear video editors doesn't change much from application to application.

All programs have timelines, media bins and a multitude of slftware that enable you to perform advanced alterations, adjustments and outright transformations of raw video, audio and image files.

What separates Premiere Pro from the rest of the crowd is how these features come together. Adobe understands that sdobe editor and project has unique needs, and it has created an application that is infinitely customizable to meet those needs.The first step when creating any video project with Premiere Pro is capturing or importing your video footage, audio and other elements into the software. Importing media that's already on your computer is the most straightforward, adone capturing files from digital media, such as from your camera or other devices, is similarly simple.

The big improvement for this version of Premiere Pro is the addition of native camera file compatibility. This means that you don't have to worry about proprietary formats while you work with footage from disparate camera types.Premiere Pro CC caters to the nuanced demands of veteran video editors. For example, you may take hours applying effects to a specific clip in the timeline. However, the source footage is much longer, and other clips are used elsewhere in the reivews.

Instead of you having to make those specific alterations to each clip in the timeline, now Premiere Pro has a feature that lets you apply effects and alterations to footage while it is still in the media bin. This means that you do the work once, then whenever you use a clip from that footage in the timeline, your effects are already in place.

This may seem like small thing, but it's revkews huge timesaver and an example of how Adobe is focused on making the editing process easier and faster.One of the most basic audio tasks in any professional video editing application is synchronizing separately recorded audio tracks with their video counterparts.

This is usually the case when you shoot on a DSLR camera. With most video editing software, you have a separate audio device that captures the sound, and you have to line these files up by hand by eyeballing the waveforms from each file. This can be time-consuming. One of the new features in Premiere Pro synchronizes audio and video automatically, creating a new unified media clip in your bin that has the audio and video aligned.

This is another big improvement to something that seems benign but slows down the process� Top Searches� Best Laptops� Antivirus� Android Apps� Wireless Routers� Trending� Smart Home� Drones� Windows 10� Security� Hot Reviews� Oculus Rift� Samsung Galaxy S7� Amazon Echo� LastPass 4.0� News /� Opinions /� Features /� Coupons /� How-To /� Business /� Business / � Laptops� Tablets� Phones� cameras� tvs� gaming� desktops� printers� monitors� storage� ipad apps� iPhone Apps� android apps� software� security� networking� Routers� servers� scanners� projectors� Wearables� Health & Fitness� Smart Home� cars� speakers� headphones� mp3 players� ebook readers� all categories� editors' choice� Laptops /� Tablets /� Phones /� Apps /� Software /� Security /� Printers /� Cameras /� TVs�� See All Reviews� PCMag Business Directory � ProsGreat upgrades to the biggest products included in the suite.

Improvements in speed and performance. Focused on digital mixed media. New option to license as a cloud service with monthly subscription.� ConsSingle software purchases rather expensive. Requires a lot of hard disk space for installation, plus a decent chunk of RAM.� Bottom LineNo creative professional will deny the need for Adobe Creative Suite, and 2012's version, CS6, focuses on some of the toughest demands designers face in an interactive, digital, multimedia landscape. By Jill DuffyAdobe's 2012 update to its software line for design and creative professionals, Adobe Creative Suite 6 (CS6) (prices vary; see below), brings new versions of all the most notable products: Photoshop, lllustrator, Dreamweaver, Premiere Pro, Flash, and more.

Some of the best improvements adkbe the package are under the hood, with better performance and speed, although a few apps visually look different, too.Other improvements suggest that Adobe has its eye trained on the specific problems digital designers face in terms of porting content to a variety of platforms and formats, like the iPad, Kindle Fire, and smartphones. Although Adobe's never been stingy in bundling adobs software into a multitude of packages at different price points, the company has added one drastically different qdobe for CS6 users: Creative Cloud (available May 11).

Creative Cloud includes access to everything Adobe has to offer�no holds barred�as well as several exclusive online services, all starting from $49.99 per month. With Creative Cloud, you download and install the apps that rsviews need with a membership-style license.

It gives certain kinds of professionals (like freelancers and other project-based professionals) the short-term access they need to some of the apps at a fraction of the price of owning them.As always with Adobe products, and therefore as to be expected, solo software components are expensive to buy (Photoshop costs $700), and the more affordable can eat up a lot of space.

For woftware, the Design Standard bundle requires 7GB to 8.5GB available hard disk space for installation, plus 2GB or 1GB RAM to operate, for Mac and Windows, respectively.Nevertheless, Adobe Creative Suite 6 ensures cutting-edge designers have the tools they need to get their work done and publish it online, in print, and on softqare the major handheld gadgets, too. Adobe Creative Suite is an indispensible product line for pros.

CS6 will keep them designing happily.CS6 HighlightsHere is an overview of some notable changes in the most popular applications in Adobe CS 6. For more about each individual piece of software, click on its name.Photoshop5 stars, Editors' ChoiceDoes Photoshop CS6 perform better?

Is it easier to work with? Yes and yes, two big reasons it scores a perfect five out of five stars. The new version will thrill nearly all categories of users, from photographers to designers. And the Extended edition now includes 3D editing. Adobe Photoshop CS6 adds 62 percent more new features than the previous version, including a speed boost and some jaw-dropping new "content aware" tricks. Photoshop's interface, too, gets a welcome upgrade, thanks to some trimming and clever improvements�although Adobe is careful to always offer the option to revert to the earlier look.

The new UI uses a dark gray background, the darkness/lightness of which is customizable.Another change is that Mini Bridge is clearly labeled (as opposed to "MB"), and runs along the bottom in a filmstrip view, which is much more useful than the extra right-panel it added previously.

Less obvious is the thorough edit the interface itself has undergone to standardize spelling and grammar in all its messages and controls. Sticklers for consistency will be pleased indeed.Illustrator4.5 stars, Editors' ChoiceLike Photoshop, vector-drawing app Illustrator remains at the top of its class in its latest incarnation, Adobe Illustrator CS6. Illustrator has the same new dark gray interface now found in Photoshop and other apps.

The changes that are less visible are the most important: better speed, improved performance, and native 64-bit support for both Mac and Windows. Adobe also threw into this point release a few new req� Top Searches� Best Laptops� Antivirus� Android Apps� Wireless Routers� Trending� Smart Home� Drones� Windows 10� Security� Hot Reviews� Oculus Adove Samsung Galaxy S7� Amazon Echo� LastPass 4.0� News /� Opinions /� Features /� Coupons /� How-To /� Business /� Business / � Laptops� Tablets� Phones� cameras� tvs� gaming� sftware printers� monitors� storage� ipad apps� iPhone Apps� android apps� software� security� networking� Routers� servers� scanners� projectors� Wearables� Health & Fitness� Smart Home� cars� speakers� headphones� mp3 players� ebook readers� all categories� editors' choice� Laptops /� Tablets /� Phones /� Adoe /� Software /� Security /� Printers /� Cameras /� TVs�� See All Reviews� PCMag Business Directory � ProsThe ultimate in photo correction and manipulation.

Slick interface. Fast. Loads of tools for mobile and Web design. Content-aware editing. Video editing. 3D design capability. Synced Sfotware. Integrated stock library. Complementary mobile apps.� ConsNo perpetual-license option. Interface can be overwhelming at times.� Bottom LineAdobe Photoshop is one of the most iconic pieces of software in history for a reason: Osftware outstrips the competition when it comes to digital image manipulation. By Michael MuchmoreThe 2016 release of Photoshop CC, confusingly dubbed version 2015.5, only adds a couple of new high-profile visual effects�Content-Aware Crop and Face-Aware Liquefy.

The latest version instead focuses mostly on tweaking and strengthening existing tools, making improvements to collaboration, fonts, asset organization, and performance. The upshot is that, while this may not be the splashiest release, Photoshop remains unmatched in polish and capabilities among photo editing software. If you haven't hopped aboard the Creative Cloud (CC) train yet, you've missed out on other recent feature additions, including Artboards, touch and stylus input support, the Design Space view, synced libraries, touchscreen support, a glyph panel, and lots more.

Photographers can benefit from tools for haze removal and more navigation options. If you're serious about working with images, you need the latest version of Photoshop. Get Going With PhotoshopTo get the latest version of Photoshop, you need a Creative Cloud subscription. This means you need to sign in with an existing Adobe ID or create a new one.

The Photography plan is $9.99 per month, and that also gets you Photoshop Lightroom, our editors' choice for photo workflow software, and 10 Adobe Stock images. You can no longer simply buy a one-shot license for Photoshop, which has turned off some users who don't like the software-as-a-service model. Such people may want to consider options like CyberLink PhotoDirector, Corel Paintshop Pro, or even Adobe's own Photoshop Elements, all of which can be purchased outright.

And if you don't want to pay a cent, you can use the free, open-source GIMP software, though doing so can be a painful, counterintuitive experience.To install the application, you first install Creative Cloud, which handles updates and your online file syncing. It's also here that you find Adobe news, stock images, and the Behance creative social community. View All 29 Photos in GalleryYou should only consider installing Photoshop CC 2015.5 on a fairly powerful PC or Mac.

I installed it on an Asus Zen AiO Revieww Z240IC running 64-bit Windows 10 (the software runs on Windows 7 with Service Pack 1 or later). Installation took about 20 minutes.

Right off the bat, I got a message saying that 3D editing wouldn't be available because of my video card or its driver. Would-be Mac users must be running OS X 10.9 or later.InterfacePhotoshop's current start page shows thumbnails of your recent files and access to presets and libraries from the start page. The page also shows personalized tutorial content at the bottom.

Those who'd rather stick with the starting experience they're used to can switch back to it later, but I find that the new start page makes it much easier to get to things I'm interested in, such as recent projects. Adobe keeps making the Photoshop interface more customizable. You can choose from among several targeted workspace layouts, including 3D, Graphic and Web, Motion, Painting, and Photography, or create your own custom layout of panels and windows.

You can even rearrange the program's toolbar button rail to taste. Photoshop's icons now sport the flat, 2D, non-skeuomorphic style that started with Windows 8, later landed in iOS 7, and has since become a widely adopted interface design standard.The interface also adapts to the purpose at hand. A case in point is the new Select and Mask workspace, which is an available option whenever you have a selection tool active.

This shows only the rviews useful during selection, such as Refine Edge, Lasso, Brush, Hand, and Zoom, along with the relevant Properties panel. Interface color themes are more consistent, too. If you set the window borders to be light gray, all dialogs will likI have Adobe Photoshop subscription aeobe I do not use it, so I called to cancel it after almost 2 years thinking that it is more than one year so I will not be charged any cancellation fee.

Turned aadobe that the rule is after subscription renewed automatically in one year I am required to pay cancellation fees again. I think it is very unfair. :( I ordered Adobe Acrobat teacher edition for our education staff in the beginning of July (2016).

I was sent an email confirmation with a link to upload the verification documents showing that our staff person is a teacher. I received an approval email but the order never showed up on my Adobe account. I called, was repeatedly transferred, made to re-order the item over the phone, sent more verification request, sent adobe software reviews, approved again, never received the product again.

Called again, transferred again, instructed to go to Support Chat, chatted with them, told the "case escalated" and I would be contacted. Never contacted.I call back, transferred many times, referred back to Support chat where I expressed my frustrations of now waiting 7 weeks for the order to get resolved. Customer Service apologized and scheduled a time to call the next day. I waited for 5 hours - no call.

Contacted them again this week and told the exact same not helpful information as the prior 7 weeks. Again they said the case was getting "escalated" but I finally told them to cancel the order and I would find an alternative to Adove. I did and I am happier for it. I encourage people to look and support alternatives to these companies who act like software tyrants. Absolutely ridiculous that they could not resolve a simple order issue in 8 weeks. Adobe Acrobat PDF pro tools and readers alike are terrible tools that sit on top of a normal, uninventive file format called PDFs.

At one time, maybe PDFs were creative enough to force companies into paying for something they didn't understand, but this thing has run its course. Adobe sits on its fat brand the same Xerox did with copiers. The truth of this company is you'll be dissatisfied at every step. The constant upsells and advertising. The sneaky bundling of software products you don't need. The invasive, daily requests that remind you to pay for something during a trial period.The best tool they have is the Reader, which you can have for free and stay relatively disconnected from the harassing advertising and upsells linked with Adobe, but it's still updated more than any other tool on my computer.

I think I actually had Adobe Reader updated 3 times in 2 days at one point. And if not, it certainly feels that way. If you ignore the constant update requests, you just get peppered daily with reminders until you relent.

The company has one agenda - to make money as quickly and forcefully as possible to cash out on what is obviously a dying company. I contacted them concerning a payment and they were very rude to me and spoke to me as if I were an idiot.

After I cancelled my plan because I had no adobe software reviews needed to use the product they took $94 out of my account as cancellation fees. This is absolutely appalling and I DO NOT recommend this app to anyone unless you enjoy having a ridiculous amount of money taken from your account. It is especially hard if you are a university student who can't afford much. The $94 taken from my account resulted in a late payment for rent, and I had to fork out of my savings to pay it in time.

Not happy at all. My bank account was automatically deducted $20 for "ADOBE". I don't recall having authorized this transaction and I never do for any product unless "forced to" by the company from which I'm purchasing a product.

Since I didn't recognize this payment I have tried calling Customer Care Service. Naturally, there's a recording that sends you to a new adoeb and then to another until you can't go any revies It doesn't give you the option to talk to a real person and ask about a billing situation.

I am incredibly frustrated and angry that a company such as ADOBE doesn't provide the customer with basic attention. NOBODY answers and there's no way I can find qdobe what I'm paying for and WHY? If I did authorize this payment, at least I want to know what I purchased. I feel abused! �587,189 reviews on ConsumerAffairs are verified.� We require contact information to ensure our reviewers are real.� We use intelligent software that helps us maintain the integrity of reviews.� Our moderators read all reviews to verify quality and helpfulness.For more information about reviews on please visit ourFAQ. This is the WORST company Adpbe have ever experience customer service-wise.

Oh, the customer didn't realize it was an annual plan and only used it for less than 20 days? Let's give him a huge ** $44 cancellation fee. This company is beyond a joke, and I will never use their services again. Not to mention, I could barely understand every single representative. All this is Adobe scamming their unsuspecting customer

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